Monday, November 08, 2004

No Mourning After

The time for mourning is over. By my calculations it ended last Wednesday at midnight. That seems a decent interval, for there is so much work to be done.
The beginning of that work must involve a renewed conversation about faith, culture and politics. When "religious faith" becomes the most important criteria in picking a president, but such faith is defined exclusively as conservative evangelical Christianity, it's way past time for progressive people of faith to reclaim the language of faith. When exit polls and election results paint progressives into a box of public immorality -- the clear implication of the "moral issues" voting patterns -- it's way past time to reframe the cultural debate over public morality. And when two consecutive national elections have raised more questions than they've answered about the fairness of the elections themselves, it's way past time to initiate a broad public conversation about the health of our democracy itself.
So let's begin, again, to define the terms from a perspective of progressive Christian faith.

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