Sunday, December 19, 2004

Christmas Wishes

A few years back our oldest child wrote up a Christmas wish list. All he mentioned were Legos, a box of Altoids and a Star Wars action figure. As they say, the key to happiness is to want what you have and to have what you want. At Christmas, wishing for what is within the realm of possibility is one way to avoid holiday depression.
Now, lest you imagine that we somehow are raising children who have claimed the "live simply that others may simply live" perspective, that same child who was overjoyed to find a box of Legos, an action figure and some Altoids, wants a computer this year. I foresee a bit of holiday depression in his future.
On the other hand, wishing for the impossible is one way to transcendence.
I still want the impossible -- the beloved community, the household of God, the arc of justice bending toward our time and place. But I will not be disappointed when it doesn't show up in completeness next Saturday morning. The impossible will take a while.
The mark of faith is trusting in spite of the evidence, and then watching the evidence change. May the evidence of brokenness, injustice, war and hate shift for you this season, if only just a little.

1 comment:

David Ensign said...

Just in case you're wondering, he got Legos and Altoids! No iPod, no laptop. Of course, he and his siblings also got a portable DVD player to share (and their parents got two peaceful 10-hour driving days over the holidays!) It's not "peace on earth and goodwill to all people" but it was nice, and we'll take it. We live in an economy of incredible abundance, and we are giving thanks as the New Year begins.