Thursday, October 12, 2006

Pastors & Politics

It's not surprising, but it's still worth reading about how the so-called Christian Right is pushing voters toward the Republican party. I particularly love the advice to tell folks that Jesus would be more concerned about gay marriage than about war and peace. Now there is no endorsement of any party or candidate implied here, but I do think it's time to be afraid, be very afraid. There's an election coming and the "Christians" are on the loose. (The cartoon comes from the blog of Bill Sanders, retired cartoonist from the Milwaukee Journal.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, this has nothing directly to do with what you said, unless you are good at connecting obscure dots, but SINCE you have a cartoon of an elephant and the cartoon suggests this symbiotic kind of connection----did you read the article in the NY Times magazine about the disintegration of elephant society, and the parallels between elephant and human traumatic stress response? It is very interesting. Humans and elephants need the same things to be emotionally healthy: a safe place to live, attachment to a group, and freedom of choice. If they don't get those things they respond with violence. If we can see it with elephants, why can we not see it with humans? Of course, seeing it does not mean changing our ways enough to provide what is needed. . .I just read it, so it was on my mind. I think it does connect to your blog, if you are very good at reading between lines and connecting dots. peace out