Monday, December 09, 2019

Advent. Worthy

Advent. Worthy
Well, clearly I’m not, because that’s the one I missed!
It’s not surprising that I should miss a day. Advent is hectic. It’s hilarious that I should miss the day when the word is “worthy.”
We spend so much of our lives worried about our relative worthiness. Imposter syndrome is real.
My current ministry context sits smack in the middle of a high-achieving, affluent, DC suburban county famous for getting its kids into all the best schools. The congregation names “sabbath” in its mission statement, and perhaps that is aspirational in the way that mission statements can be, for it is surely not a description of the practice of the community.
It’s hard to take sabbath when you’re too busy proving your worthiness. I know. I was too busy proving my own to write yesterday.
Somehow, in the busyness we forget that the message we say we shape our lives around rests on the promise that we are all beloved and worthiness has nothing to do with it.
Perhaps I’ll rest a while with that.

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