Thursday, December 19, 2019

Advent. Bless

Sometimes it is hard to feel anything like blessed, or like blessing anything. Suffering is all-too real, and it is the common human experience. But it not ever all there is. Good news, no matter how local and seemingly insignificant, is also real. A couple of years ago, in a season of hard news, I asked my Facebook community to share good news. They wrote this song.

Gospel Rising
I turned on the web today; the screen filled with bad news
Guns and wars and pestilence! That’s what the headlines scream
So I asked my social network to provide some other views
For the stories of our common lives give rise to common dreams.

Gracie got a small part in the middle-school play
An old friend in Kentucky got a brand new job today
The kids are getting married; there’s a wedding in late May
There’s good news all around us, no matter what the headlines say.
There’s poetry arising in the rhythm of each breath
Songs in the lines of every face
Stories are the threads weaving ordinary clothe
Gospel rising up on notes of grace

Rusty’s got an art show in the Old Town gallery.
Our front porch fiddle player sounds like a symphony.
Bread rising in the kitchen smells a lot like home to me.
There’s good news all around us, if we have the heart to see.

Some say that life is pain – princess, some of that is true
But most of what is broken can still be made anew
As surely as I sing this song, someday my song will end
But for this moment grace notes are rising on the wind

Bobbie’s cancer’s in remission, and so the fear’s at bay
A friend of Bill’s recovery is going day by day
So I’m off to buy two tickets to a middle school play
There’s good new all around us, no matter what the comments say.

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